April 2024

Posted on April 17, 2024 by Author Sam Wolfe


 Posted by Geo Dell 10-26-2023

Thursday. It’s cold in New York, the leaves have not only turned but
they are falling and snow has been included in the forthcoming
overnight forecast as a possibility. Okay, I am really sorry I
complained about the heat, really. I guess that does no good. It
never has, year after year I complain all summer and then all winter.
This is actually the time of year I don’t complain, but when you let
the cat out at night and ten minutes later it’s back with three of
it’s also cold friends, it’s too cold out.

up for this week: Still working at book listings. No pay from Amazon
now and I am not in the Hatchette group dispute, they just decided to
stop payments for the last three months. That is not why I closed
down the Amazon books, but it certainly made it easier to make the

Earth’s Survivors books are now available from D2D. I was
asked about that, the links follow:

Earth’s Survivors: Apocalypse:

Survivors Apocalypse follows survivors of a worldwide catastrophe. A
meteorite hits and becomes the cap to a series of events that destroy
the world, as we know it. #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction #Readers


Survivors: Rising from the Ashes:


streets are a mess. I met a few others today, and I’m leaving with
them. I’m taking this and my gun with me… #Readers #Dystopian


Survivors: The Nation:

the camp.”

unclasped the radio from his belt and raised it to his mouth and
spoke. “I guess you mean us,” he said more calmly than he

do,” the voice answered… #Readers #Dystopian


Survivors: Home in the Valley:

came through the roof…

was leaned against the door frame, staring out at the night when the
first zombie dropped from the ceiling of the store behind them.
#Readers #Dystopian #ApocalypticFiction


Survivors: Plague:

happened too fast, Mike told himself. No one had had any time to
react. The flat, loud crack of a high powered rifle. Mike’s head spun
hard as it automatically turned at the sound… #Readers #Dystopian


Survivors: Watertown.

scream cut off the conversation and both men turned quickly back to
the monitor. Doctor Christmas had backed away, nurse Berty was
nowhere to be seen.

#Readers #Horror #Zombies #Apocalypse

Earth’s Survivors: Alabama

Mike used the rest stop as a
place to do drug deals. Small deals. Any higher than that, he often
joked, you would have to talk to someone in Columbia… #Crime
#ApocalypticFiction #Apocalypse #Horror #Readers

is this blog published?:
I was asked where this blog is
published. I do not know all of the places that it is published. I
will give a partial list that you can use to find the place you can
download , follow the feeds, or read from.

Feed available: https://writerz.net/

Blogger: https://recommended-podcasts.blogspot.com/

question: Yes, you did read short stories by me back in the mid eighties. They were published by me back then on Writerz.net which I owned. Myself and maybe a dozen or so other writers posted our stories there to read. . I did publish a few dozen. All of those are out of print
and with my work on this series I probably won’t republish them for
awhile. It was fun to be
involved in that, and it was a time of growth for me with my writing,
having to produce short fiction on a regular basis and quickly too
taught me a great deal about writing in the real world.

is it for this Monday. I hope all of you are doing well.

Earth’s Survivors Watertown…

Survivors: Watertown.

scream cut off the conversation and both men turned quickly back to
the monitor. Doctor Christmas had backed away, nurse Berty was
nowhere to be seen.

#Readers #Horror #Zombies #Apocalypse

Home: https://www.writerz.net


Notes from the edge

Posted on April 16, 2024 by Author Sam Wolfe

News | Trucks stuck in 4 wheel low

Last Winter: Trucks Stuck in 4 wheel low:

For you that don’t know, I live in the north, close to Canada, and this past year we seemed to get a lot more snow and cold than usual. I went out one day to get the truck ready for a run into town. Normally
not a big deal, but I had not started it in a while, a big mistake,
yes, and I had not driven it in the snow. My ten minute (My estimate)
warm up the truck and get-it-ready-to-go trip turned into a few hours
of jumping it, letting it warm up (It was like 2000 degrees below
zero) and then getting in the thing to go. Since I don’t drive at
all, except around the yard, you know, getting things ready to go,
that meant my long suffering Mother had to drive the truck into town.
And, she hates the truck.

I don’t mean to imply she doesn’t like the truck, I mean to imply she
hates the truck. HATES the truck. So getting her in it to drive it is
a big deal. But, I did all I could. Jumped it, warmed it up, opened
the door so she wouldn’t have to, after I pulled it right up to the
door. The only thing I could’ve done better is park it on the porch.

Mom is slightly over four feet tall, and the truck is four wheel drive, not
huge, but is is a step up into the cab. Her last truck was a two
wheel drive and didn’t sit much farther of the ground than a car.
That, that sitting-off-the-ground-further thing , is strike one
against the truck as far as Mom is concerned. She wanted to take the
tires off her old truck and put them on the new one so it would sit
lower. When I explained she couldn’t do that she began to hate the
new truck even more. Strike two. The truck was almost out before she
ever drove it. And since I steered her towards the new truck I will
probably never hear the end of it.

But, I pulled the truck up, all warmed up, opened the door for her and
offered to help her in. Bad move. Mom does not acknowledge age or
shortness. Nevertheless age and shortness do acknowledge her. She
doesn’t give in, just ignores it. So she climbed up into the cab, on
her own, and off we went… Off we went not too far.

I forgot to mention that while I was moving the truck to bring it up to
the door I decided, “Hey, wouldn’t it be fun to test out the Four
Wheel Drive?” … and … “Maybe we will need the Four Wheel
Drive on the way into town so I should make sure it works!” I’m
pretty sure I used an exclamation mark just like that too. I was that
enthusiastic about it. So, I turned the little knob on the dash from
Two Wheel to Four Wheel Low. Nothing seemed to change. A little light
did come on on the dash informing me that Yes, I was now in
Four Wheel Low. So I dropped the truck in first and plowed through
the two inches of loose powder on the driveway and fought my way out
into the wilds of the out back (End of the driveway). I will say
this, I never spun a wheel. That Four Wheel Low is phenomenal. So,
after my off-road adventure, I turned the little knob back to Two
Wheel drive.

So, off we went… In Four Wheel Low. Which meant that the transmission
was whining. The Motor racing, and we were doing all of twenty miles
an hour. Creeping down the road. So, idiot that I am, I said to Mom,
“What are you doing?”

“I’m not doing anything,” Mom says. “It’s your stupid
truck!” To illustrate this more clearly, in case I had missed
something, she goosed the gas to try to make it go faster.

The other thing I forgot to mention is that I like to take a cup of
coffee with me. I have a travel cup of course but I don’t like it. If
you close the top on the travel cup the coffee is too hot when it
hits your lip. At least it is for me. So, I don’t use it. No. I like
a regular ceramic coffee cup filled right to the brim with hot, black
coffee. This time was no exception, but, thank God, since it was
about 2000 degrees below zero outside it had cooled off pretty quick.

Mom goosed the gas, the truck jumped forward, I ended up wearing the
coffee. All over me and the floorboards, a little on the dashboard
too if I’m honest. That is when I realized, One: It’s not good to be
a Wise Guy with your Mom. Two: Hot coffee will go right through
waterproof jackets. I guess waterproof does not mean hot coffee
proof. And Jeans? Ouch.

“Mom,” I said. “Better take it home. Something’s wrong with it.”

“Well,” Mom says. “The gas station is just down here. I’ll stop there.
Maybe we can fix it.”

Let me explain a little more. Mom grew up on a farm. The phrase ‘Right
down there’
could mean ten miles down the road, or, the next
county over. I was calculating walk back distance to get the car
should I have to. But, the other thing about Mom is that she raised
us alone. She’s pretty used to making command decisions, and she
doesn’t require a whole lot of input from her idiot son who picked
the truck that she hates and is now screwing up her day. I think
that’s a fair description, or assessment of the situation.

“Mom,” I said, while I tried to figure out where to put the now empty coffee
cup, “I think we should go back.” Down the road she went.

When she reached the gas station she pulled in and right up to the pumps.
“May as well get gas while we’re here,” she proclaimed. She shut
of the truck, jumped down to the ground (Nearly) and called back,
“Twenty” as she went inside.

I got my coffee soaked self out of the cab, pumped in the gas, I’m pretty
sure that Twenty Bucks, which got me around Five Gallons, is what my
first Muscle car (A 72 Plymouth Duster) I owned growing up used to
burn to start it. She came out, apparently having considered my
request to turn around, and said, “I guess we should probably take
the truck home… Something seems to be wrong with it.”

Rather than say anything else dumb, I just nodded and got back in the truck.
She climbed in, turned the switch and all it did was click twice and
then nothing. The guy behind me tapped the horn on his truck.
‘#@$%^#,’ I thought. I climbed out of the truck and walked back to
the guy.

“Truck’s dead,” I said. “Sorry.”

The guy said.

“Uh huh,” I agreed. “But at least you’re not the one who has to walk
three miles to get the car.”

“@@##$%,” the guy said

“You have a nice day too,” I told him.

So, after the three mile walk back to the house to get the car, I arrived
back at the gas station with my Aunt as a driver now, jumped the
truck and got it back home.

“I hate this truck,” Mom said as she climbed out of the truck once it
was home.

“I missed General Hospital,” My aunt told me.

‘@#$!.’ I thought.

I write this today because I went to my Tuesday night group meeting
last week, after that happened, and asked a few of the guys there who
are mechanically inclined what I did wrong. And, lo and behold, it’s
Tuesday again. So, it was on my mind.


“Oh, it’s the @#$#@@ sensor,” one guy said. “Those #@$%$%$# sensors
always do that.”

“Thank you,” I said. I told myself to call a mechanic I knew and have him
fix the sensor.

“No, no, no,” another guy said. “Those $#@#$@! sensors are a pain in the
##@@#, but it was probably a fuse. Those #@@#$$@# fuses are almost as
bad as those %$#@#$ sensors.”

“Uh huh,” I said. “The #@$$@ Fuses or the @##$$@# Sensors. Okay.” I
made another mental note. ‘Note To Self: Check #$$#@ Fuses too.’

“Maybe,” another guy said, “But the last time that happened to me it turned
out to be the #$$#@ motor on the (I have no idea what he called it).”

“Oh yeah,” The first guy said. “I forgot all about the #$@#@#$ motor
on the (Apparently he knew what the thing was called and how to
pronounce it).”

“Oh yeah… Forgot all about that,” The second guy said.

“What,” I asked, “No @#%$@#@?”

“Oh, sorry,” He said apparently taking me seriously. “The @#$%$@ motor
on the (He knew the word too).”

About this time I realized a few things. First: I could ask all I wanted,
it wasn’t going to fix the truck. Everybody had a different idea of
what it was. Two: At least I could check those things they suggested
or mention them to the mechanic. Three: Guys like to swear.. a

I went home and worried about the truck most of the week. Once it rose to a
balmy 12 below zero I went out and spent about four hours messing
with the truck. The indicator on the dash said ‘Four Wheel Low’ in
tiny red letters. ‘No #@#@#,” I thought. I found the sensor, seemed
to be working. I found the fuse, not blown. Hmm, I thought, It just
might be the Motor on the (Whatever the word was they used). Then I
looked at the switch on the dashboard. Just in passing mind you. I
was on the way out of the truck. I had conceded defeat. I flicked it
back and forth and noticed it didn’t rest completely at Two Wheel
Drive when I flicked it back. Meanwhile I’m running the truck,
letting the battery charge, cleaning the coffee off the dashboard
too, so I decided what the heck, I’ll look at the owners manual.
(That probably gave you pause to laugh. I will only say I am not
alone. Most men refuse directions or manuals. We’re too smart for
that sort of help). I opened the index, found my problem, turned to
the page, and read this,


Hmm I thought. I did that… Didn’t I? Maybe… Yes… No… I was
conflicted, and, since the truck was running I pushed in the clutch,
flipped the switch back and forth from Four Wheel Low to Two Wheel
drive and … The light blinked out and Two wheel lit up.

“!@@#$%@,” I said aloud. “Sorry, God.” I added. “!#@$!,” I said again. I
waited a few minuets to see if the truck would blow up or quit or
something. It didn’t. I shifted into first and ran it up the
driveway. No whining transmission. No Revving motor, it really was
out of Four Wheel Low. I put everything together and went back into
the house.

Mom asked?

“All fixed,” I said cheerfully.

She arched her eyebrows. “I hate that truck.”

“I know, Mom. I know,” I said.

“So what was it,” She asked?”

“Oh… Uh, well it was the @#$#@ Flux Capacitor,” I told her as I hunted
around in the fridge for a bottle of juice.

“Really,” She asked? “I saw ‘Back to the Future’. I like Michael J.
Fox. He probably never made his mother drive a truck she hates. What
was it really?”

I had to press the clutch down to disengage it,” I admitted.

“I knew it!” Mom said.

I said.

So, tonight is group again. And the guys are gonna ask about the truck. I
guess I’ll just admit I didn’t do it right. Or I could blame it on
the @@##$$# Motor on the thing I can’t pronounce. I’ll play it by ear
I guess. Hey! Have a good week…

A new novel from author W. G. Sweet: My Own Apocalypse

Ethan lives in Harlem with his wife Janelle. The city gets out of control fast as an apocalypse hits the world. Harlem is burning; what is not burning is gang controlled. What is not gang controlled is abandoned. The people are on their own. The cops disappeared, same with fire fighters. The Fires are unchecked. Across the river parts of New Jersey are also burning. Ethen and his wife pick up bits and pieces of newscasts but none of it seems to make sense to them.
Things become clearer over the next few nights. Something, or somethings are prowling the streets at night, preying even on the gangs. At first, there is no clear answer and Ethan is convinced it is gang on gang violence, but little by little, it becomes clear that the dead are the problem.
The living die, and then rise again to prowl the streets and dark alleys preying on those that remain. Then Ethan awakens one morning, and Janelle is gone. She left in the night, distraught, setting out on her own to relieve Ethan of having to care for her. Ethan sets out into the lawlessness that is Manhattan to find her…

Get it: Amazon.com: My Own Apocalypse eBook : Sweet, W. G.: Kindle Store



Charger stormy

Posted on April 15, 2024 by Author Sam Wolfe

Yes, I am a writer, but IU also build games… Charger stormy https://youtu.be/8mNHLaFjs7s?si=KIzz7ddzJ1Pai3lt via @YouTube Building a model and using it in a game along with some filter processes to produce driving in a storm. All work is my own. #3DModels #3DModeling #GameCreation #UVwork #Gamer


Posted on April 15, 2024 by Author Sam Wolfe


has been a long week here, but I finally finished the

Anna Kay book editing and began listing it through D2D.

on the Streets

aunt began to sexually abuse me. It went on for months. I didn’t know
until years later that my sister was locked in a closet while this
went on. #ChildAbuse #NonFiction #TrueStory #Readers #D2D #Apple
#Nook #Kobo #Smashwords
few months later my cousins
to abuse my sister and I.


Alone: Prison Life

had been in prison a few years. Two inmates had been at each other
most of the day,
larger woman taunting
smaller woman.

#Jail #Incarceration #Readers #Drama #NonFiction #Kobo #Smashwords
https://books2read.com/u/4DDVpr (Link may not work yet)

are good here. Dreamer’s Worlds Two
now available on Amazon
probably be early March. I thought I would give you a treat this
week. This is an Excerpt from
Worlds Book One: The Girl in the Stone
There is a free preview of the first book at Amazon, but you will not find this
in that preview. It’s only here…

Free Preview is Copyright Wendell Sweet and Geo Dell 2023
rights are reserved. Used with permission of the Publisher

left the window and headed towards the kitchen. Coffee would fix me
up. And if my head was clearer I was sure I could make some sense of
what had happened. Like maybe how it had ha penned and why it had
happened for starters. It was my first death. I had known it could
happen. I had only hoped it didn’t actually kill me when or if it did
happen.. That’s the fear. The panicky part of it. How do you know? If
it blurred the lines so hard how could you even be sure which part
was real?
instance, I asked myself as I fixed the coffee, was this real?
actually made me stop and look around the kitchen. Of course it was,
I told myself. Two false starts would be too much One had been bad
enough. This had to be real.
snapped back and realized the tap water was overflowing the coffee
carafe, turned off the water, poured out the excess and filled the
reservoir on the coffee maker. My eyes traveled worriedly around the
kitchen. I tapped the cheap cabinet door. Real, I decided. It wasn’t
a great apartment but it wasn’t too bad. It was home, and home had
been worse. I would be able to tell if this was not real, I told
you would, my other self mocked. The same way you could tell the Doc.
wasn’t real.
gave me pause. But the more my eyes traveled the more they saw that
was familiar. I levered open the refrigerator and laughed in spite of
my serious mood.. Empty… As always. A half squeeze bottle of
Mustard, crusted yellow brown at the top. Attractive, Laura, I
chided. I picked it up, carried it the garbage and dropped it in,
promising myself as I did that I would do some grocery shopping
today. Shop… Pay some bills… Normal things that normal people did
every day. My life had been Bat-Shit crazy lately, and it was only
just beginning. I sighed, clicked on the coffee maker, and then left
the kitchen. Two minuets later I was standing in the open bathroom
doorway, towel in hand, clean clothes draped over one arm, screaming
at the top of my lungs.
was a body in my bathtub. A dead body. Bent forward… Face
Floating… Long black hair pooled around the head, the face barely
visible floating just under the surface. A woman… Black hair… The
same jet black hair as my own…
forced myself to stop screaming, shoved almost my entire fist into my
mouth and stood as if glued to the floor in the doorway of the
two minuets passed. Maybe four. A rapid pounding came from my front
door. Neighbors, I told myself. The walls were so thin… Thank God
for neighbors, especially when you had a dead person, a dead woman,
in your bathtub. I backed out of the bathroom doorway, remembering
not to touch anything. Too many crime dramas on T.V. , but I was
pretty sure that I had never touched anything when I had come in. The
doorknob, my mind supplied… And maybe the doorjamb too… All that
T.V. I knew you weren’t supposed to touch anything in the crime
opened the front door and things happened fast after that.
bounded past me into the apartment. Dell stepped in behind him and
quickly slammed the door shut. Before the door slammed I saw a crowd
of worried looking neighbors gathered in the hallway. At least they
had appeared worried in the brief glimpse I had had before the
closing door had shut them off. My breath caught in my throat. That
seemed to be happening a lot lately.
I managed as Dell pushed by me heading for the bathroom where Bear
stood, paws wide apart, staring in through the open doorway.
Dell. What is it,” I asked again. He said nothing but stepped past
Bear into the bathroom.
Dell there’s a dead person… Girl in there,” I said.
know,” he said as he stopped next to the tub. Bear moved to the
tub, looked down at the woman, and then looked up at Dell. Dell shook
his head and turned to me. “We have to go,” He said quietly,
“Right now.”
I asked? “Dell, that’s a real dead girl in there! We have to call
the cops… We have to… I could get arrested… We could get…”
He cut me off.
know, Laura. I know. That she’s dead is obvious. I… We, knew about
it before we got here…. Laura. If you stay you’ll have more
problems than the cops and being arrested.”
Why,” I asked?
he muttered. He took two backwards steps into the bathroom, reached
down and grasped the mass pf floating black hair and pulled the
woman’s face from the water and backwards.
small blue hole rested between her eyebrows. Blood trickled from that
hole and began to run down her face. “Dell,” I began, a ball of
sickness once again forming in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t finish
as my eyes finally locked on her face and my mind began to work
again. It took a second but I realized who she was. I screamed for
the second time in just a few minuets. Dell let go of her hair and
her head fell back into the water with a heavy splash. His hand rose
quickly and clamped across my mouth shutting off the scream… His
wet hand… The same hand… My stomach heaved and I pushed past him
and barely managed to get the lid up on the toilet in time. Somebody
began to pound on the door once again. Loud. Insistent. Demanding
even. I stood. Dried my face with the towel I had intended for my
bath and then walked to the front door.

Home: https://www.writerz.net

Read More


My Life in the sixties

Posted on April 14, 2024 by dello

The street that I grew up on. 

The house is the house we grew up in. We played tackle football on that road. 

Baseball in that gravel lot in the picture above, which is directly across from our house. 

The little white building pictured above? That was Major’s Market. If you had a quarter, you could get a sixteen-ounce Coke, or Pepsi if you prefer, or DR Pepper as I preferred. You could also get a large candy bar, and a handful of penny candy. All for that quarter. We used to love to walk down to Major’s Market and spend our money. 

We used to get up on the roof of that red building, which is a lumber storage barn, with a neighbor’s ladder to get our baseballs a few times a week. There would usually be three or four along with someone’s kickball, football, or basketball. The tackle football was a sometime thing. The thing being it never lasted long before someone got pissed and got in a fight. It hurts to be tackled on pavement. But once we walked about a mile to play football on the lawn of a church, and when we got there a funeral started and the minister told us we’d have to leave. So, we just played in the street. You didn’t have to worry about traffic, yes, all the families’ owned cars, but most of the dads were never around, so the cars weren’t around much either. You could play for a good two hours and never have a car come along. And if one did? Well, I hate to say it, but we weren’t so quick to get out of the street. After all it was our street, our neighborhood, go drive somewhere else. And, as I mentioned, it wasn’t likely to be anyone from the street. 

The blank area that looks like an old driveway full of bushes, is where the railroad tracks ran behind the lumber company. It doesn’t look like much now, but that was our private park back there. There were four tracks, three of them almost dead, one that ran from north into the city. The whole area was overgrown, and I think every kid on the block had a fort back there somewhere. Also, the trains used to stop there to pick up lumber, and or drop lumber off. So, there were huge concrete loading docks that we could survey our kingdoms from. 

Most of us boys used to go camping every weekend. That area in back of the lumber company was a great place to leave our bikes. It was our neighborhood, and kids for blocks around knew it. Nobody who wasn’t from the neighborhood went in there, so your bike was safe for the weekend. Leave the bikes, jump up on the rails and start walking north, balancing on the rail, toward Black River (Where I now Live). 

When we hit the small village of Huntingtonville (Above today: The old railway tracks have been converted to a trail walk that goes out of Watertown all the way to the village of Black River) we could fish, swim in the Black or both. There was a dam that many of us balanced across the top of to make our way to a small island in the middle of the river. It was an abandoned island. And we explored every inch of it at one time or another. 

We would find a place to camp out. Either a farmer’s field, or somewhere in the miles of forest that surrounded the Black, and even a long stretch of land that followed the riverbank. Flat but isolated. It had once been a railroad bed, abandoned for years. 

Sunday afternoon we were back on the tracks, balancing our way back to Olive Street, pick up our bikes (That way we didn’t have to go home) and head for Thompson Park. Walk those bikes up two miles of hill, hit the top, turn around and ride like the wind down off the park hill. If you hit the lights right, or dared to run them, you could coast all the way to the public square in Watertown. After all it was Sunday, everybody else was at church. We would end up at the First Baptist Church on the Public Square (A new England town square). I knew my sister was inside. I of course was a rebel and so I went to Catholic church sometimes with dad. Given a preference I’d rather go camping though. But that is the same sister that got me to love God by giving me a cassette tape (Jesus Christ Superstar). 

Then I had an accident and met God. Then two years on the street, addiction, alcoholism, running away from life, family, God. But life eventually got me back to that connection I had lost. The house looks a little different. The neighborhood a little rougher, if that is even possible. Somebody turned the little market into an apartment. And the city ripped up all the tracks that we used as our own private path to the entire world. But even if the pictures are different from what I remember, I still feel that love for those days when I look at them, Dell.

Books I have written using my hometown as a backdrop (Renamed to Glennville NY)

Glennville Series: https://books.apple.com/us/book-series/glennville/id1532766279

Home: https://www.writerz.net


Anna Kay

Posted on April 14, 2024 by Author Sam Wolfe

Sex on the Streets (Self Help – Anna Kay Book 1) Kindle Edition https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Streets-Self-Help-Anna-ebook/dp/B0BZYGDNCH

My aunt began to sexually abuse me the first night. It continued the entire time we were there… #SexualAbuse #ChildAbuse #SelfHelp #AnnaKay #nonfiction Anna Kay https://youtu.be/JfA9bl5UQkQ?si=MgKpgNZQh2Gaz-VU


Posted on April 13, 2024 by Author Sam Wolfe


Genesis Earth:

man-creature did not reply. It simply stood, and glared at the older
man standing before it.
“Bring forth the Defender, and
the Protector,” the older man called out… #Armageddon
#ApocalypticFiction #Readers .#Horror #D2D

Earth: Gods and Devils

next morning they were on the road early. The going was still slow,
but by noon they were on the outskirts of Alton, a small town about
forty miles from Rochester. #Armageddon #ApocalypticFiction #Readers
.#Horror #D2D

Genesis Earth: The roads
out of Eden

came awake in the darkness. When she tried to move her hands to her
throbbing head, she realized they were securely bound behind her.
#Armageddon #ApocalypticFiction #Readers .#Horror #D2D



Notes from the Edge

Posted on April 13, 2024 by dello

 Posted by Dell 01-27-24

Happy Friday! I could have said End of the Week, but I didn’t., so I should get an A for effort.

Low thirties here in New York. That feels good after the deep freeze we’ve been in. All of the snow is melting fast. Even, so I know winter is coming back, even my cat reminds me; he is growing in that thick coat. He owns me, of course, I should not have said my cat, I am his human, and he never lets me forget it. He refuses to stay inside; he has made it his goal in his nine lives to get to know every female cat in the village. I think he believes it is his duty to do it. After year three of ruling the village, I never see any other male cats in the village except my Houdini. He has had his share of battles, one ear missing and the other chewed up; even so he refuses to retire and lay on the couch.

I saw a YouTube show I watch today, and the person said spring is right around the corner. What? Didn’t we just take the hard swing into winter a few weeks ago? Shut up! Don’t jinx us, because I can tell you that up here spring is months away.

Anyway, Houdini: Sometimes three or four days will go by before he shows up at 1:00 AM demanding to be fed, so I decided to work on a treat system to get him to come back a little sooner: Meat, he loves meat, and he doesn’t care what kind it is as long as it didn’t come out of the cat food can. So now every time he shows up, I put down dry food and cat food, and he looks from me to the refrigerator as if to ask, ‘Where is the meat?’.  Although he isn’t choosy, chicken is favorite. So, now every time he shows up, he ignores the dry food, the Purina wet cat filets, all he cares about is the chicken (He has no clue what I’m feeding him, usually Oscar Meyer lunch meat cut into tiny strips, he thinks it’s all Chicken, even when it is Chicken.). When I do make chicken, I make an extra breast portion for him and serve it to him over a few nights. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, I think he had more Turkey that I did.

Check out my America the Dead books below and enjoy this beautiful mid-winter break from the weather, Dell…

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America the Dead: Survivors Stories One

 Copyright © 2018 W. G. Sweet. All rights foreign and domestic reserved in their entirety.

Cover Art © Copyright 2018 W. G. Sweet

Some text copyright 2010, 2014, 2015 W. G. Sweet

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your bookseller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places or incidents depicted are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual living persons places, situations or events is purely coincidental.

Route 81 rest-stop

Watertown New York

April 20th

1:00 am

A black truck pulled into the rest stop and two men climbed out; walking toward the rest rooms that sat in from the road. Concrete bunker looking buildings that had been built back in the early seventies. They had been closed for several years now. In fact the Open soon sign was bolted to the front of the building; rust streaked the sign surface. It seemed like some sort of joke to Mike Bliss who used the rest stop as a place to do light duty drug deals. Nothing big, but still that depended on your idea of big. Certainly nothing over a few thousand dollars. That was his break off point. Any higher than that, he often joked, you would have to talk to someone in Columbia… Or maybe Mexico, he told himself now as he sat waiting in his Lexus, but it seemed that since Rich Dean had got himself dead the deals just seemed to be getting larger and larger. And who knew how much longer that might last. He watched the two men make a bee line for the old rest rooms.

“Idiots,” he muttered to himself. He pushed the button, waited for the window to come down, leaned out the window and yelled. “What are you, stupid? They’re closed.” He motioned with one hand. “You can’t read the fuckin’ sign or what?”

Both men stopped and looked from him to the sign.

“Yeah, closed. You can read right? Closed. That’s what it says. Been closed for years. Go on into Watertown; buy a fuckin’ burger or something. Only way you’re getting a bathroom at this time of the morning.” He had lowered his voice for the last as he pulled his head back into the car and turned the heater up a notch. The electric motor whined as the window climbed in its track. He looked down at his wrist for the time, 1:02 A.M., where the fuck was this dude. He was late, granted a few minutes, but late was late.

A sharp rap on the glass startled him. He had been about to dig out his own supply, a little pick-me-up. He looked up to see the guys from the truck standing outside his window. “Oh… Fucking lovely,” he muttered. He pushed the button and the window lowered into the door, the motor whining loudly, the cold air blew in.

“And what can I do for you two gentlemen,” He asked in his best smart-ass voice.

The one in back stepped forward into the light. Military type, Mike told himself. Older, maybe a noncom. A little gray at the edges of his buzz cut. With the military base so close there were soldiers everywhere, after all Watertown was a military town. It was why he was in the business he was in. It was also why he succeeded at it.

“Did you call me stupid,” The man asked in a polite tone.

“Who, me? No. I didn’t call you stupid, I asked, what are you, stupid? Different thing. The fuckin’ place is closed… Just doing my good deed for the day… Helping you, really, so you don’t waste no time,” Mike told him.

“Really?” The man asked.

Mike chuckled. “Yeah really, tough guy. Really. Now, I did my good deed, why don’t you get the fuck out of here ’cause you wore out your welcome.” He opened his coat slightly so they could see the chrome 9 mm that sat in its holster.

“Really,” the first guy repeated.

“Okay, who are you guys, frick and frack? A couple of fucking wannabees? Well I am the real deal, don’t make me stick this gun in your fuckin’ face,” Mike told them. He didn’t like being a dick, but sometimes you had to be.

“You know what my mother always said about guns?” The second guy asked.

“Well, since I don’t know your mama it’s hard to say,” Mike told him. He didn’t like the way these two were acting. They weren’t cops, he knew all the locals. If it had been someone, he had to worry about he would have handled this completely differently. These guys were nobodies. At least nobodies to him, and that made them nobodies to Watertown. If he had to put a bullet in… His thoughts broke off abruptly as the barrel of what looked like a .45 was jammed into his nose. It came from nowhere. He sucked in a deep breath. He could taste blood in his mouth where the gun had smashed his upper lip against his teeth.

“She said don’t threaten to pull a gun, never. Just pull it.”

“Mama had a point,” Mike allowed. His voice was nasally due to the gun that was jammed hallway up to his brain. “Smart lady.”

“Very,” the man allowed. “Kind of a hard ass to grow up with, but she taught me well.” He looked down at Mike. “So, listen, this is what we’re gonna do. You’re gonna drive out of here right the fuck now. And that’s going to stop me from pulling this trigger. Lucky day for you, I think. Like getting a Get Out of Jail Free card, right.”

“This is my business spot… You don’t understand,” Mike told them. “I… I’m waiting for someone.”

“Not tonight, Michael.”

“Yeah, but you don’t.” He stopped. “How do you know my name?” he asked. There was more than a nasal quality to his voice, now there was real fear. Maybe they were Feds. Maybe.

“Yeah, we know you. And we know you use this spot as a place to do your business. And I’m saying we couldn’t care less, but right now you gotta go, and I’m not going to tell you the deal again. You can leave or stay, but you ain’t gonna like staying,” The guy told him.

Listen… This is my town… If you guys are Feds you can’t do shit like this… This is my town. You guys are just…

The guy pulled the trigger and Mike jumped. He fell to the right, across the front seat. Both men stepped away from the car, eyes scanning the lonely rest stop from end to end, but there was no one anywhere. The silence returned with a ringing in their ears from the blast as it had echoed back out of the closed car interior. The shooter worked his jaw for a moment, swallowing until his ears popped. He lifted his wrist to his mouth. “Guess you saw that,” he said quietly.

“Got a cleaner crew on the way up. You’ll pass them in the elevators. The boss is waiting on you guys.“ The voice came through the implant in his inner ear. No one heard what was said except him.

He nodded for the cameras that were picking him up. “In case you didn’t hear it, someone is supposed to meet him here so your cleaner crew could have company.”

“Got that too… We’ll handle it.” He nodded once more, and then walked off toward the rest rooms as the other man followed.

Once in back of the unit they used a key in the old, rusted handset. It only looked old and rusty, it was actually an interface for a state-of-the-art digital system that would read his body chemistry, heat, and more. The key had dozens of micro pulse sensor implants that made sure the user was human, transmitted heartbeat, body chemistry, it could even tell male from female and match chemical profiles to known examples in its database. Above and to the sides of them several scanners mapped their bodies to those same known profiles. Bone composition, old fractures, density and more. All unique in every man or women. The shooter removed the key and slipped it into his pocket. A few seconds later a deep whining of machinery reached their ears, the door shuddered in its frame, and then slipped down into a pocket below the doorway.

A second later they stepped into the gutted restroom. Stainless steel doors took up most of the room; the elevator to the base below. They waited for the cleaner crew to come up, then took the elevator back down into the depths.


The Bluechip facility stretched for more than five miles underground. Most of that was not finished space, most of that was connector tunnels, and storage space bored from the rock. The facility itself was about three thousand feet under the city of Watertown in a section of old caves that had been enlarged, concrete lined and reinforced. The rest area was one of several entrances that led into the complex. An old farm on the other side of Watertown, an abandoned factory in the industrial park west of the city and a few other places, including direct connections from secure buildings on the nearby base.

John Pauls and Sammy Black had Alpha clearance. Both were ex-military, but most likely military clearance was no longer a real matter of concern this late in the game, Sammy thought as they made their way down the wide hallway. The word coming down from those in the know was that in the next twenty-four hours the human race would come very close to ceasing to exist at all. No confirmation from anyone official, but regular programming was off air, the news stations were tracking a meteor that may or may not hit the Earth. The best opinions said it didn’t matter if it hit or not, it would be a close enough pass that there would be massive damage. Maybe the human race would be facing extinction. The government was strangely silent on the subject. And that had made him worry even more. The pass was estimated to be right over the tip of south America. So maybe formalities like Alpha clearance weren’t all that important any longer. If only Mike Bliss had given that some thought before he had pissed him off.

The halls were silent, nearly empty. Gloss white panels eight feet high framed it. It had always reminded Black of a maze with its twists and turns. Here and there doors hung open. Empty now. Always closed any other time he had been down here. So it had come this far too, Black thought. He stopped at a door that looked like any other door and a split second later the door rose into the ceiling and Major Weston waved them in.

Alice, he had never learned her last name, sat at her desk, her eyes on them as they walked past her. One hand rested on the butt of a matte black .45 caliber pistol in a webbed shoulder holster that was far from Army issue, and Sammy had no doubt she would shoot them both before they could even react. Alice was etched into one of those name pins that the Army seemed to like so well, but oddly, just Alice, no last name, rank or anything else. She wore no uniform, just a black coverall. The kind with the elastic ankle and wrist cuffs. No insignia there either. He had noticed that months before. Her eyes remained flat and expressionless as they passed her desk.

“Alice,” Sammy said politely. She said nothing at all, but she never did.

“Sit down, boys,” Major Weston told them. He spoke around the cigar in his mouth: Dead, but they always were, and there was never the smell of tobacco in the office. They took the two chairs that fronted the desk.

The Major was looking over a large monitor on the opposite wall that showed the north American continent. This map showed small areas of red, including the northern section where they were. The rest of the map was covered with green. “Where we are, and where we need to be,“ he said as he pushed a button on his desk. The monitor went blank. He turned to face the two.

“So here is where we are. You know, as does most of the world, that we are expecting a near miss from DX2379R later on tonight.” He held their eyes.

John shrugged. “I’ve been doing a little job, must have missed that. It’s not gonna take us out is it?”

“Saw that on the news a few days back. Guess we dodged a bad one,” Sammy said.

“Right… Right,” Weston said quietly. “But that cover was nothing but bullshit.”

“It’s going to hit us?” John asked.

“Maybe… The fact is that we don’t know. One group says this, another group says that, but it doesn’t matter because it will probably kill us off anyway. Direct hit, near miss, it is going to tip over an already bad situation with the Yellowstone Caldera.” He raised his eyes, “Familiar with that?”

“Yellowstone Park?” Sammy said.

John nodded in agreement.

Weston laughed. “Put simply, yes. Yellowstone has always been an anomaly to us. Back in 1930 the Army did an exploratory survey of that area. What we came up with was that there was a section of the Rocky Mountains missing. Looked at from the top of Mount Washburn it was easy for the team to see that the largest crater of an extinct volcano known to exist lay before them.”

“I guess that’s about what I thought,” Sammy agreed.

“Yeah. We all think that. Except it is not true at all because the Yellowstone caldera is not extinct, it is active. Active and about to pop. There have been several warnings, but we took the recording stations offline quite some time ago, so there has been no mention of it in the news. Budget cuts,” he shrugged. “So everyone is focused on this meteor that may or may not hit us and instead this volcanic event is going to blow up and when that happens the rest won’t matter at all.” He clicked the button on his desk and the monitor came to life. “All the red areas are spots where the surface pressure has increased. There was, at one time, many active volcanoes on the north American continent.” He clicked a button and the map changed to a view of the European continent with many of the same red shaded areas.

“All over the Earth… Higher pressures. Up until a few days ago the brainiacs were still arguing over whether this could even happen.” He laughed. “It is happening and they are arguing over whether it can happen. Well, we had our little debates and then we realized that history shows clearly that this has happened before. Several times. Call it the Earth’s way of cleansing itself.”

“But it’s not an absolute, right?” Sammy asked.

“Don’t start sounding like the scientists.” He reached below his desk and came up with six small silver cartridges. Each had a red button mounted on the top with a protective cap over the button itself. He clicked a button on his desk, and a picture of destruction appeared on the screens. It was obviously an aerial shot, looking down at a chain of islands. Smoke hung over the chain, reaching as high as the plane itself. As the plane dropped lower, rivers of red appeared. “That picture is an hour old. That is… Was, the Hawaiian chain.”

Sammy twisted further to the side, staring at the monitor. “How can that be… I mean everyone would know about it.” He turned back to Weston.

Weston nodded. “And that would be true except the satellites are out because of the asteroid. Shut down to avoid damage. That is the official word.” He clicked the button on his desk and the monitor went dead once more. “I started this out saying that none of it matters and that is true. The Yellowstone caldera is going to erupt sometime in the next few days. Not a maybe, not an educated guess: If the satellites were up, you would know that the park is closed. It has already started. We have had a few small quakes, but the big stuff is on the way. He rolled the cartridges across the desktop; Sammy and John caught them.

“Super volcanoes… Earthquakes that modern civilization has never seen… The last super eruption was responsible for killing off the human population some seventy-four thousand years ago. Reduced it to a few thousand. And that is not the biggest one we have evidence of.” He lifted his palms and spread them open, sighing as he did. “So, it is a double whammy. If we survive the meteor the volcanoes get us, or the earthquakes because of them, or we’ll die from injuries. And I think those of us who die outright will be lucky. The rest of us will have a hard time of it… Staying alive with nothing… We will probably all starve to death.” He paused in the silence.

“Those cartridges are a compound developed right here in this complex for the armed forces. Project Super Soldier. SS for short. That kept people from looking too deep, they assumed it was something to do with the Nazi youth movement here and abroad. We let that misconception hold.” He waited a second for his words to sink in. “SS is designed to prolong life past the normal point of termination. It allows a soldier to survive longer without food and more importantly without water. Does something to the cells of the host, I don’t pretend to know what. What I do know is that the people above me made the decision to release this…” He picked up a mug of coffee from the desk and sipped deeply. His eyes were red road maps, Sammy noticed now. Like he hadn’t slept in a few days.

“So this is it for us. I guess you realize that you probably won’t get paid for this. No money is going to show up in your account. I will run it through before I pull the plug, but I truly believe the machinery will be dead by the time payday rolls around. So this is something I’m asking you to do.” He pointed to the cartridges that both men were looking over. Sammy held his as though it might bite him.

“Those babies are really all we have to hope with. Most people will die outright. They will never make it past the quakes, eruptions, and the resulting ash clouds and gases. Up here we should be okay as far as gases go, eruptions, but there are fault lines that crisscross this area. This whole facility is bored from limestone caverns. Probably won’t make it through the quakes, although it is a good eighty miles from the closest line,” he shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. My point is there should be a good chance for survivors here.”

“So we do what with these? Can they harm us?” John asked.

“Harm you, kill you? No, but you will be infected the minute you push that button. It will protect you the same as anyone else. There is enough in a single cartridge to infect about five hundred million people,” Weston said quietly.

“Whoa,” Sammy whistled. “Why infect… Why not inoculate? And why six cartridges… Three Billion people?”

“Minimum, three billion. That is before those infected pass it along themselves: After a while it won’t matter. As to the question of infected, this is a designer virus. You catch it just like the flu. We infected whole platoons by releasing it in the air over them. Eighty-Nine-point seven percent infection rate, but that doesn’t really matter because it infects people close to you and those people will infect you… Sneezing, waste, sex, water, food, it gets into and on everything. And once it is in you, either orally or via bloodstream you will be infected. The human body has nothing to fight it, no reason to be alarmed or believe it’s anything more than a virus. And that same response will help to carry it to every area of the body as your own defenses manufacture white blood cells to fight it. So you may as well say a one hundred percent infection rate.” He paused and rubbed at his temples.

“Be glad they decided on this. They have some others that will kill everybody in the world in a matter of days.” Weston nodded at the raised eyebrows that greeted his remarks. “I don’t doubt that the merits of which way to go were hotly debated,” he finished gravely.

“The virus is designed to live within the host, but it can live outside of the host. It can stay alive in a dead body for days, even if the body is frozen. In fact that just freezes the virus too, once the body is thawed it will infect any living person that comes along. So those,” he pointed to the silver cartridges, “are overkill. Same stuff is being released across the globe. Great Briton… Germany… Australia… West coast just a few hours ago. Manhattan has already been done, all the East Coast in fact. I want the two of you to head out from here. One vial here, then one of you head west, the other south. Go for the bigger cities… Water supplies… Reservoirs… Release it in the air or water, it doesn’t matter. There are men heading out from the south, the west coast. The Air Force will be dispersing the same stuff via cargo planes tomorrow or the next day… As long as they can fly, if we can even make it that long, and that isn’t looking really good right now…” He rose from the desk. “I’ll see you out.” He turned to Alice. “Alice… Pack us up.” Alice nodded as Sammy and John got to their feet, but her hand remained on the butt of the pistol. Rubber grips, Sammy noticed as he passed her.

“Alice,” he said.

“Um hmm,” Alice murmured.

Sammy nearly stopped in his tracks but managed to hide his surprise as he passed by into the hallway. The Major fished two sets of keys from his pocket. “Parked in the back lot. A couple of plain Jane Dodge four-bys. Drive ’em like you stole ’em. Leave ’em where you finish up. Hell, keep ’em if you want ’em. Nobody is going to care.”

The three stood in the hallway for a few seconds longer. Sammy’s eyes locked with the Major’s own, and he nodded. The major walked back into his office, and the door rose from its pocket behind him. Quiet, except the slight buzzing from the fluorescent lights.

John shrugged as his eyes met Sammy’s, waiting.

Sammy sighed. “You heard the man… West or south?”

“Flip for it?” John asked. His mouth seemed overly dry and he licked his lips nervously.

Sammy pulled a quarter from his pocket and flipped it into the air. “Call it, Johnny.”

“Tails,” John said just before the quarter hit the carpet.

Sammy bent forward. “Tails it is. You got it, Johnny.”

John looked down at the carpet. “West, I guess.” John said.

Sammy nodded, looked down once more at the quarter and then both men turned and walked away toward the elevator that would take them back to the surface.

Watertown Center New York

Shop and Save Convenience store:

Haley Mae

1:30 AM

“Last one,” Neil said.

Neil was a detective for the sheriffs’ department. It was closing in on 2:00 AM and he and his partner Don had just come back from six hours of sleep to get a jump on the day. Yesterday one of the checkout girls had disappeared between the Shop And Save, a small mini mart on the western outskirts of the city, and home. Earlier this morning she had turned up dead in a ditch just a quarter mile from the front door. The techs were still processing the scene, but it was looking personal. Stabbed to death, multiple wounds, no defense wounds, at least none that he or Don had been able to see, and fully clothed. Her purse had been found nearby, wallet and cash inside. No ID, but her store ID had still been clipped to her shirt. They would know more in a few days once the coroner did her magic. It all pointed to someone she knew, and they had no known boyfriend. The trailer park where she lived had turned up nothing, they had questioned some people at the convenience store, but some had been off shift, so here they were back at the store questioning the other employees.

They had commandeered the night manager’s office which was barely larger than a broom closet, but at least it was a place to sit with enough space left over to call in the workers and ask their questions. Free coffee via the same night manager, who had still not gone home, was taking a little of the six hours of sleep sting off, but to Neil free coffee in a convenience store was like a whore offering a free shot of penicillin to the first twenty-five customers.

“Who’s next?” Don asked.

The last half hour they had been interviewing the people who worked the same shifts as Amber Kneeland.

“Haley Mae,” Neil said.

Don looked up and stopped writing in his little notebook.  “How do you,” spell her name, he had meant to ask Neil, but she was right in front of him.

“EM. A. E,” she said with a smile.

“Vietnamese?” Don asked. She was obviously mixed race, African American and Asian, he questioned himself.

“Japanese,” she told him.

“Nice name,” Neil said, “Haley.”

Beautiful girl, Don thought. “Did you know Amber Kneeland?  Sometimes works this shift?” he asked.

“Not really,” she answered. “I mean, I met her, but only in passing… I just started here myself.”

She really is beautiful, Don thought. “You wouldn’t know if she had a boyfriend… Other friends?” he asked.

Haley shook her head. “Sorry,” she said… “What has she done?”

“Nothing,” Neil supplied.

“She went missing last night,” Don said. “Turned up dead this morning.”

Haley shook her head. “Oh my God. That’s horrible. She was such a nice girl… Quiet.”

Neil nodded his head. “So maybe you did know her a little better than you thought?”

“I just started here a few weeks back, and like I said, I don’t really know her… But it might be a girlfriend not a boyfriend.”

Don looked at her. “You wouldn’t know who?”

“No. It’s just a rumor. Someone said it to me… I don’t even remember who… But I’ve never seen her with a guy, and I have seen her with other girls… Maybe also the way she looked at me a few times…”

“Go out with her?” Don asked.

“No… Never… I…”

“Don’t swing that way?” Don added.

Haley frowned slightly before she answered. “I work. I don’t swing any way. But if I did she wasn’t my type. She never asked me out, I never asked her out.”

“Didn’t mean to offend you,” Don said. He shrugged. “She’s dead.”

“She would probably do the same for you,” Neil said.

Haley nodded. “That really is all I know. I hope you find who did it though. She seemed like a nice girl,” Haley said.

“You don’t seem the type for this… Bagging groceries at 2:00 am,” Don said, changing the subject. “You aren’t local or I’d know you… This city really is small despite the base.”

Haley smiled. “Came here a year back with a boyfriend, Army. He left, forgot all about me, I guess. I had this idea of modeling… Tough to get a foot in a door though.”

“Wow, if he left you behind he must be a fucking idiot… Any good?” Neil asked.

Haley laughed.

“Excuse mister smooth there,” Don told her. Neil feigned a hurt look and Haley laughed again. “He meant, have you done anything? I know somebody… Might be interested.”

Haley arched her eyebrows. “I can model. I did a You Jeans ad back in Georgia a few years ago. I just need to prove it to the right person.”

“Escorting? Maybe dancing. It’s strictly escorting or dancing, no funny stuff. Dance clubs… Clothing modeling,” Neil said.

“Probably start out escorting… Dance a little… Then if he likes you he’ll put you into the modeling end of things. He owns a lot of shit… Several car dealerships across the state… Some of the biggest dance clubs, clothing outlets, those bargain places, but still, modeling is modeling, right? Not the big name stuff, but it is a foot in the door,” Don added.

“I can do that,” she said slowly.

Neil passed her a white business card with his own name scrawled across the back. “Tell him I sent you… That’s my name on the back.”

“Jimmy Vincioni,” Haley asked.

“Just V… Jimmy V, good guy,” Neil said.

Haley nodded and tucked the card into her front jean pocket. “I’ll call him… Thanks. Look…” Her voice dropped to a near whisper. “I’m pretty sure she had a girlfriend here… I just don’t know who,” Haley added quietly.

Don finished writing in his notebook, nodded once he met her eyes and then shook the hand she offered. She walked away.

“Beautiful,” Neil said.

“Absolutely,” Don agreed. “You ain’t getting none of that though.”

“Yeah? But if Jimmy V hires her? It’ll be the next best thing.”

Don shook his head, but smiled. His eyes rose and watched as Haley walked away. “Guess I’ll have to have a few drinks at the club if that happens.”

Neil chuckled low. “You and me both,” he agreed.


March 1st

Watertown New York

Off Factory Square: Joel Morrison

5:00 PM

Joel sat at the bar and watched football on one of the big screen TV’s Mort had put in. It was a slow game, he was tired, and his mind kept turning to other things. He couldn’t concentrate. Part of the allure of the Rusty Nail was the quiet. After a 12 hour shift at the mill with the constant noise from the huge machinery, the quiet had been nice. But that had all changed once the bar had become popular with the nearby base. He needed to go home. The crowd in the bar was starting to build and the noise was giving him the beginnings of a headache. He caught Mort’s eye and went back to his thoughts as he waited.

The Rusty Nail had always been a locals only bar up until a few years back when the economy had taken a nose dive. The nail was wedged up a side street off Factory square. Not exactly easy to find, and that had hurt business too as the old people left and the new people came in.

Mort, Mortimer to anybody that felt like being tossed out on their ass, had nearly lost the small bar and the building above it to the bank. The building above it had six small apartments that Mort had purposely left empty when he had bought the building fresh out of the service thirty years back. Who wanted to deal with tenants, he had said then. But times changed, and so he had sold his house, moved himself into one of the apartments, and then sold the bank on remortgaging the whole building as well as renovating the other five apartments. The bank had come up with a loan that took all of that into account and added a second income source from the apartments that could pay the monthly mortgage and put a good chunk of change into his pocket too.

He had signed on the x, taken their money, renovated the building, moved in the tenants and then taken a hard look at the Rusty Nail. He had decided to completely gut the bar and do it over. He had dumped far too much into the renovations though, including being closed for nearly a full month, and then opened it to find that the economy had taken an even deeper nose dive during those nearly thirty days. The third month into the new mortgage and he had found that he was maybe in a bad spot already.

Joel remembered now that he had sat right at the end of the bar when Mort had talked it over with some others, Moon Calloway, Johnny Barnes, Jim Tibbets, Joel had been welcome to include his two cents which he had declined to do.

“Well, what you do is put the word out to those cab drivers. Believe me, I’ve seen it. They will have them soldiers down here in no time, even if you are off the beaten path,” Jim had said. Jim was a school bus driver for the north side district and less than a year away from a fatal car accident on the interstate. Jeff Brown, who had been a local football star, was doing ten years up at Clinton Correctional for hitting Jim’s car head on drunk and killing him. But that night Jim had still been alive and had wanted to be a part of the New Rusty Nail that Mort had in mind. Something a little more modern. Modern bought the soldiers, but more importantly it also bought women.

“I’m not paying a cab driver to bring me G.I.’s,” Mort had said. “And I know your game. You’re just hoping to get laid out of it.”

They had all laughed at that, except Jim who had turned red. But after a few seconds he had laughed too, and the conversation had plodded forward the way bar conversations do.

“Well, you ain’t got to pay them exactly, give them a couple beers,” Moon threw in.

“Jesus Christ,” Mort exclaimed. “That’s why you boys ain’t in business. You think the beer is free.”

“I know it ain’t free, Mort,” Jim said. “But it don’t cost you that much. You get it wholesale.”

“Wholesale? I drive right out to that wholesale club and buy it by the case most of the time just like everybody else. Cheaper than them beer guys, except draft, of course. That ain’t free. You got to pay the yearly club fee. You got to pay them taxes to the feds. You got a lot you got to pay for. Some fuck crushes your can you’re fucked for that nickle. Jesus… wholesale my ass. It ain’t no bargain.”

“Yeah? … Let’s see,” Moon starting writing in the air with his finger. You get it for let’s say six bucks a case, I know that cause that’s what I pay out there too. So six bucks divided by 24 is,” he drew in the air for a few moments, erased it, and then started over. “How the fuck do you do that, Joey… The six goes into the twenty-four? Or times the twenty-four?” Moon asked.

“Uh, it’s a quarter a can,” I had supplied.

The argument had raged on from there. Once Moon found out he was paying a buck fifty for a can of beer that only cost a quarter he was pissed off.

In the end Mort had talked to a couple of cab drivers. Free draft beer one night a week if they bought soldiers by all week long and told as many others as possible about the place. Within two weeks Joel hadn’t recognized the place when he had come by after shift to have a couple of beers. The soldiers drank a lot of beer, the bank mortgage got paid, and life was fine. Except for the fights, Joel thought, but you can’t load young guys up on alcohol and not expect trouble. Especially when those young men were just waiting on the word to go and maybe die in another battle that remained undeclared as a war. High stress levels meant heavy duty unloading. The M.P.’s got to know the place as well as the soldiers did.

“Joel, you ready?” Mort asked now.

Joel smiled. “I was thinking back…” He had to shout to be heard. Tomorrow his voice would be hoarse. “This place was empty! … Yeah… One more then I gotta go,” Joel agreed.

Mort leaned closer. “Gov’ment tit. I know it, but screw it. It’s all the Gov’ment tit. Road and Bridge projects. Job centers. One way or the other it comes out the same. Even them subsidies so the paper mills can still run. It’s all the Gov’ment tit, ain’t it, Joel?”

“Its is,” Joel shouted. He nodded. It was. This town would have dried up years ago without it. Mort left and then came back a few moments later with a fresh beer.

“Vacation?” Mort yelled.

Joel nodded. “Two weeks of silence,” He shook his head at the irony and Mort’s laughing agreement was drowned out by the noise.

“If I don’t see you, have a good one,” Mort said leaning close.

Joel nodded. “I will.” He raised his glass and then tossed off half of it. A few moments later he was outside on the relatively quiet sidewalk punching numbers into his phone, calling for a cab. The night was cold, but the cold sobered him up. It seemed nearly capable of washing away the smoke and noise from inside the bar. He stood in the shadows beside the door waiting for the phone to ring on the other end. The door bumped open and Johnny Barnes stepped out.

“You ain’t calling for a cab, are you?” Johnny asked when he spotted him.

Joel laughed and ended the still ringing call. “Not if I can get a free ride from you.” Joel told him.

“Yeah, you were always a cheap prick,” Johnny agreed. “Hey, I heard you’re heading into the southern tier tomorrow?”

“Two weeks,” Joel agreed as he levered the door handle on Johnny’s truck and climbed inside. His breath came in clouds of steam. “Get some heat in here, Johnny.”

“Coming,” Johnny agreed. “Man, I wish I was you.”

“Me too,” Joel agreed.

Johnny laughed. “Asshole, but seriously, man. Have a good time. You gonna hunt?”

“Nothing in season… Maybe snare some rabbits. Not gonna be a lot this time of year.” Joel said.

“Maybe deer,” Johnny offered. He dropped the truck in drive just as the heat began to come from the vents.

“Probably, but they’ll be out of season. Rabbit, and I got freeze dried stuff. Trucks packed, which is why I didn’t drive it down here.”

The truck drove slowly through the darkening streets as the street lights began to pop on around the small city: The two men laughing and exchanging small talk.

Apocalyptic Fiction Apple Be an Author Blog blogger Book Lovers Book Worms Dell Sweet horror New Earth Writerz Zombies

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